Pogonip Multi-Use Trail Approval Threatened by Anti-Mountain Bikers
words by Lindsay Beth Currier
proposed Pogonip Multi-Use Trail |
"Friends of Pogonip," whom represent a very small portion of the Santa Cruz community, are against the opening of a multi-use trail through this area. FoP is attempting to keep the Pogonip bike-free by asking individuals to sign a petition. Their main supporting arguments are:
- the assumption that riders will stray from the multi-use trail to pedestrian only trails
- bicycles will be introduced to the "sensitive" Redwood Creek drainage area
- the drug activity that has threatened this area has "gone away" and a public presence is unnecessary
an illustration found on the Friends of Pogonip website depicting the groups negative view of mountain bikers |
It is important to understand that any type of traffic through a forest creates an impact, be it bicycle, foot or hoof. Proper trail building practices can effectively diminish the potential negative effects on the surrounding watershed and wildlife. The Pogonip multi-use trail is proposed to be designed and constructed by professional trail crew, with funds raised by the Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz and supporting local bike shops. These efforts will provide a trail for all to enjoy that is both conservative of the environment and pleasing to ride.
In addition to providing us with a stretch of beautiful singletrack to get between Santa Cruz and the many trails we love to ride, the multi-use trail is a very important tool in Take Back Santa Cruz's efforts to eradicate the sale and use of herion in this recreation area. It has long been known that this particular area of town has been a favorite location to both camp and deal drugs. TBSC organized a cleanup in September that removed more than 50 bags of trash, which included used syringes and other drug paraphernalia. The opening of the Pogonip multi-use trail would ensure a consistent public presence, which would reduce the attractiveness of this area to addicts and dealers, keeping them from coming back.
It is imperative that we ensure that the SC City Council approves the Pogonip Multi-Use Trail in January. If you enjoy the trails of Santa Cruz, pleases do what you can to help. Whether you ride cross-country or downhill does not matter. Even if feel you may not use this trail very often, please understand that the approval of the Pogonip Multi-Use Trail is a positive step in the direction of creating more sustainable and enjoyable trails for all to enjoy in the future. If riding bikes is at all important to you please be an active member of the mountain bike community.
What you can do:
Inform yourself by reading up on the issues:
- Community Cleans up Pogonip - SantaCruzPatch
- Pogonip Cleanup Event was a Success - MBoSC
Attend an MBoSC Meeting (next one is this Monday, October 10th at the Seabright Brewery at 7pm)
send an email: CityCouncil@CityofSantaCruz.com
Attend a Parks and Rec or City Council meeting and voice your concerns:
Parks and Rec - December
City Council - January
And most importantly, tell your fellow mountain bikers!!