Chanticleer Pumptrack Clinic - May 10th

Announcing Shine Santa Cruz's Pumptrack Clinic!

Partnering with Girls Gone Wilder—a female-centric social ride led by Hilltromper and Kristina McCann—the May 10th clinic is aimed at beginners. This mellow one-hour clinic will cover the basics needed to ride the pump track. How to lift the front wheel, body positioning and some bike maintenance are covered. The clinic is at 1pm. Joh Rathbun—a downhiller with almost 20 years of mountain biking experience—is leading the clinic—with an hour skills- session at the Chanticleer pump track immediately following—this is an ideally supportive environment to learn in.

Joh Rathbun said, “The pump track is a great way to work on your skills in a low-risk environment. I'll also be available after the clinic, so I urge everyone to grab a friend, sister, mother, and/or cousin and come on out!”

“Please bring enough water & food for a few hours. Helmets, knee pads, elbow guards and flat pedals are required. Also, let us know if you have the passion, but only some of the equipment, and we'll find you what you need. With this being an open track to the public, be prepared to learn “line-up” etiquette in real-life time. The clinic is only available to 5 women, so please RSVP now to reserve your free spot in our basic skills clinic! We hope to see you then!”

Saturday May 10th, 2014
1pm - 3pm

Chanticleer Pumptrack - Santa Cruz, CA