Little Sami is Unstoppable - 2014 Season Starts Up for @SKingshill

Samantha Kingshill is the youngest rider on the Shine Gravity Race Team.  In 2012, Sami blew us all away at the Shine Queen of the Mountain at the College Cyclery Compound in Clarksburg, CA when she claimed the "Rocket Queen" award for boosting the highest (and she was only 12).  Sami is well known for having no fear of gap jumps, sharp rocks, or heights, and a big love for throwing fat whips.  Sami is one tough cookie, read on how she wont let an early season injury get her down!

This year started out with high hopes and determination! I did a fundraiser for Valentines Day to help get me to the races and raised over $200 selling the delicious See's Candy so thank you to everyone who purchased some! But unfortunately during the fundraiser I got a grade 3 separation of my left shoulder and fractured my orbital bone during practice of my first race of the season at the gnarly Bootleg Canyon. I had no choice but to painfully ride the trail all the way down and get my face and shoulder and head checked out. Thank goodness I listened to my mom and kept my Leatt brace on even though it was an oddly new addition to my race-wear.

Samantha with her Ellsworth Method, Kali Protectives, KeneticMTB custom Shine jersey and Five Ten Shoes!

My parents and family helped buy an Ellsworth Method for me for the new year. I tried it out and LOVED it right away! So after healing for a month I got back on my bike to race the Fontana City Nationals. Never been there before, but since I'm stepping up my racing experience that one seemed ideal. I took 4th place there.

A quick recovery, and a no-quit attitude got Sami back on the race course in time for Fontana Nationals!

Next was the Sea Otter Classic and I told my mom when I was broken that all I wanted to do was "get well and race Sea Otter". I took 5th in the DH with at time of 2:42. A  little disappointed because I wanted to podium,  but some day I will and besides the whole festival was a blast!! I receive new Kali Protectives, got to meet Cameron Zink again and asked him if he remembered me from Mammoth last year (we kept crashing in front of eachother during practice), got to jump the air bag and practice a 360.

Sami hitting the big side. Yeah, you don't see a lot of ladies, or men really, hitting this zesty booter.  Sam races against women twice her age.

Samantha on the Sea Otter Classic Dual Slalom Course, showing expert form, thanks to coach Mike Masuda!

I had a great time with our good friend Michael Masuda. He was my guardian for the weekend until my parents could arrive. Michael has me training hard outside of mtn biking by doing "stairs" and jogging around his neighborhood park. He is my Mister Miyagi.  Did I mention that "stairs" are really tough?

As you can see, fearless-ness is a family trait :-)

I qualified for the National Championships this year so I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. My whole family will drive the long drive and cheer me on. I hope I can represent well. Wish me luck!!   

- Samantha

For more photos from Sami.... @skingshill