Whistler Opening Weekend!
international mountain bike community rallied to British Columbia last weekend
to celebrate the 2014 opening day of Whistler Bike Park. Anxious to get some quality time with a
chairlift and my downhill bike, I drove up for the weekend to meet my friends
Carolyn and Lisa from Women’s Freeride Movement, and the amazing ladies of Prairie
Girls Racing. While the WFM ladies are Whistler residences,
the Prairie Girls Racing team made a 13 hr trek to Whistler from Edmonton,
Alberta, demonstrating just how excited these girls were to see the end of an Alberta
winter and RIDE THEIR BIKES! Of course, Whistler opening
weekend was a bit of a “gong show”… but that’s part of the fun, eh? Sure, the
lift lines were ridiculous, but that just meant more time to catch up with your
friends and get a suntan…. Yes, I said SUNTAN… in WHISTLER!?!? Correct! The weather was amazing. I even dragged my old tired self to the
official opening day Pinkbike party and managed to stay long enough to dance to
a few reggae tunes.
The lift line first thing on Friday (opening day) morning. It's just getting started.. but long lines mean more time to catch up with old friends and meet new ones! |
One of my riding
goals for this summer is to add tail whips and table tops to my bag
of (currently very few) tricks. After
only 2 days of riding the jump and flow trails, I am proud to say I am well on
my way! It’s no wonder that all the
women in BC shred so hard, they have such amazing terrain to utilize and so
much support from an amazing community of mountain bikers. I chased those BC ladies down the trails all
weekend and boy, do I have a lot of work ahead of me if I ever plan on catching
them! They are truly inspiring both as athletes and humans.
Opening day with the some of the local ladies, left to right: me, Carolyn Kavanagh, Lula Darquier |
Whister is a good place to pull out the game face. Carolyn Kavanagh of Women's Freeride Movement snapped this shot of me riding through the technical tree section on A-Line. |
When I am not working
afield at my job’s research station (Hakai Beach Institute), I’ll be spending most of my summer in Whistler. I’ve found a nice little room up there and
plan to spend all of my free time on the bike, so get ready for more updates
and bike fun to come. Here’s to summer, smiles, and bikes. Shine on.